Friday, January 16, 2009

Zai-jian China....Ni hao Orlando

After 2 and half months in China, I have returned home to Orlando. I definitely miss being in at the Wudang school, practicing what little Chinese I knew, and so many other exciting things. I met so many interesting people along the way and learned something new when I met someone. So for those keeping up with the blog, I will keep a journal online of my life experiences because I know that I will be back to China and for how long you ask....not sure yet.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year and Picture Day at Nan Yan

On New Years Eve, most of the foreign students and other guests planned a beautiful dinner one of the hotels in Wudang. We arrived at 6pm and enjoyed ourselves for about 2 hours. After a few pi-jiu's (beers), a small group of us went back to Tan-man's room to wait for the arrival of 2009. We listened mostly to funk and reggae while sharing stories from our pasts and drinking more pi-jiu's. When the clock struck 12, we wished each other a Happy New Year and shortly after disbusrd to our rooms. We had arranged a picture day at Nan Yan at the peak of Wudangshan early in the morning.

So the next morning, seven of us headed to Wudangshan to spend the first day of 2009 in the mountains. We all dressed up in our Taoist robes and were ready for a fun morning of siteseeing and our famous "picture day"!